Monday, 28 February 2011

Bubble Pets: 8-bit Nonsense Review

Bubble Pets (or Bubble Pets: 8-BIT RETRO ACTION TWITCH, if you want to use his full name) is one of those games so simple as to be ashamed when they are described. This is very normal and retract the whack-a-mole: the animal appears, is out of hiding for a second and in that time frame must be hammered or touch it, to cool before it disappears again. There will be millions of such games: what exception Bubble Pets?

Yes, you would not have expected, but I decided to review it only for the 8-bit graphics! I guess that is not exactly a surprise, since even I've lost count of the number of titles with this feature that I reviewed ... but we must make it clear that beyond the personal taste in terms of aesthetics, Bubble Pets is a simple game, but definitely well done.

The mechanics is utterly trivial: at each level (there are 10 in total) there is an animal that you should not hit, while all others must be promptly destroyed. You have 5 lives left, and every time you hit the animal is prohibited or not you hit one of the other life goes up in smoke. The nice thing about Bubble Pets is committed to that as best he can handle even the most banal gameplay, while introducing a series of unexpected items that surprise and tear a smile. In almost all levels appear from time to time the bulky items that might obstruct the view: in the level of the aircraft are clouds ... and so far, all set. But in a city-wide get-style ape King Kong climbs up and down the front where we need to track the animals, and what appears on the moon is actually a huge green dinosaur! To break the monotony, every 2 or 3 levels of play, there are bonus levels where you can increase your score and collect extra lives. You can also trigger a Fever Mode, which messes the game exponentially, making it as psychedelic color and pace of the game.

Again it is best not to ask too many questions: actually one of the most fascinating side of the game is just that. Bubble Pets not even try to tell a story, the game is honest: it's just a charming, likeable nonsense with which to spend a few minutes, but not really any pretension. Provides a good longevity for a title like this, with ten levels of increasing difficulty and a game mode unlocked (199X) of high difficulty for the real fanatics.

The only thing a bit 'pretentious of this game is the price: 1.59 € are a bit' more than what you expect to spend for a game so simple. However, in its banality this game is an example of style and also care: well-constructed in its entirety, Bubble Pets is a nearly flawless game, and even if he can not steal more than a few minutes, with its frantic gameplay can however, to have fun.

Bubble Pets is available on the App Store for € 1.59

Keep Text New: Tweak to Mark Unread SMS

The operation of Keep Text New is very simple, it will give you a warning message received while you are using any application or game on your iPhone. If you do not want to answer then just click on the corners to close the pop-up and continue what you were doing:

The message is automatically saved as "unread"with its red indicator on the SMS icon (natively is marked as read). Keep Text available in Cydia New Store for the price of $ 1.25 under the BigBoss repository.

Sunday, 27 February 2011

Broken Sword: Shadow of the Templars - Available on the Mac App Store

After the blockbuster on iPhone and iPod touch this game it was time to land on the Mac App Store and enriches the now-classic story that has captivated millions of players by introducing a new and intricate narrative strand.

Paris, autumn ... a brutal murder at the Palais Royale. Invited to interview the man was Pierre Carchon, Nico Collard is inextricably involved in the plot of a terrible conspiracy.

A classic among adventure games, the BAFTA nominee "Broken Sword: Director's Cut sees the insolent journalist George Stobbart Nico Collard el'intrepido involved in an intricate series of mysteries and dangers. Help George and Nico in their quest for the world: Explore exotic places and solve ancient riddles to stop a dark plot and reveal the ancient secrets of the Knights Templar.

New puzzles, new characters and the plot fulminant rich and deep that deservedly made the fortune of the series waiting for you. A shining example of graphical adventure.

iDisplay: Turn your Android Device To A Second Monitor For Your PC or MAC!

iDisplay, This utility lets you convert any Android smartphone or tablet in a convenient extension of your Mac or PC, in order to increase productivity by optimizing the visible area of the primary monitor. he operation is very simple, the connection between the devices and the PC is via WiFi and is required to use on your PC / Mac software for free download at this address.

Key features include:
  • Extension of the display: Extend your desktop across both displays and drag items between the latter.
  • Duplicate Display: Displays the same desktop on both monitors and Android devices.
  • 100% compatible: works perfectly with Samsung Galaxy Tab, Nexus One, or any other tablet or smartphone Android on the market.
  • Landscape or Portrait: The compatibility of the devices is in portrait or landscape mode.

iDisplay is available in the Android Market at a price of ~ € 3.60 for Android 2.1 + and runs on Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard and higher and Windows XP/Vista/7. Barcode to be scanned, to follow: 

Saturday, 26 February 2011

iHold'em Tutor for iPhone Upgrade To Version 3.0

iHold'em Tutor, as suggested by the title of the application is a guardian for your best play every hand of poker Texas. Version 3.0 adds two major new features. Let's see what they are.

We start, first, with the improvement graph immediately after application. Rather than an improvement, we can speak of a complete restructuring graphics. Also, added a section with theoretical strategies to be adopted at the table.

New in Version 3.0
Completely new graphics!
New theoretical section with advice on strategies in various possible situations at the table!

Here, for example, as a function iHol'em Tutor:
How many people know how to manage a hand of a 7 and 8? Few, and fewer still know that this hand is considered one of the best to deal with a pair of Aces preflop ... iHemT for each of the 1,326 possible combinations of cards dealt at the beginning of the hand, provides advice on how best to use, I suggest that will be provided in real time, in order to respect the game times

The application also provides useful tips on matters not known to the newbies too: Stack Stack owned compared to the opponents, the phase of the tournament where you are located, the position of the hand at the table in question.

iHold'em Tuto is a universal application and can be downloaded at the following address at a price of 2.99 €.

Friday, 25 February 2011

Nokia Big Screen version 0.99 for Nokia N8 and Nokia E7

Nokia Beta Labs released a new update for our Big Screen Nokia Nokia N8 and E7. This is version 0.99, with significant improvements, new media and new features.

  • Support for NOKIA E7-00
  • Added support for PS3 controller
  • Added support for MadCatz Nyko Wiimote controls
  • Best use of aid
  • Improved performance photos full-screen image faster and with better quality
  • Enhanced graphics and performance enhancements throughout the application
  • Image rotation
  • The content on television are always displayed in full screen (no black borders - no underscan)
  • Added support for album art

Remember to uninstall the old version before installing this new version and you can download Nokia Big Screen at

Firmware PR2.0 for Nokia N8

First video appears Firmware PR2.0 Symbian ^ 3 running on a Nokia N8. The truth is that everything we see we like, such as the browser, finally something decent, and the QWERTY keyboard, even better.

I guess this is a beta version, so that our devices will be even better. Too bad they do not rise tomorrow, as we have said several times, Firmware PR2.0 is scheduled for April-May.

Hopefully this time if they meet the deadlines!.

Thursday, 24 February 2011

NoVoiceMail: Tweak To Remove The Voice From Phone Tab [Cydia]

The button "Answer" the phone application is certainly not one of the most beloved by users. Often, when typing a phone number, it happens unconsciously press this button to initiate a call and we can listen to messages left by others in our box "voice mail". Thanks to a new tweak Elias Limneos called NoVoiceMail, this key will be completely removed from the Phone.

Once installed, this tweak will simply remove the phone from the iPhone tab in question. Will not install an icon and should not be set specific settings. Just download and install from Cydia NoVoiceMail.

You can download NoVoiceMail via the BigBoss repository.

Explosion Master - The First Game from Aaron Ash

Explosion Master is a game of skill brought by the hand of Aaron Ash, the creator of Cydia tweak "Barrel", which raises a simple task quickly overcome rings before they explode. The object is to bring each ring blue or red color corresponding box located on the edges so they can operate safely. If you put the ring on the wrong color box, trigger a chain reaction that blows the other ring and causes you to lose. If you wait too long to do this job, also exploit the rings.

It requires concentration and mental agility. It costs $ 0.99 USD and you can get on the App Store.

No Screenshot Flash for iPhone

We all know the trick of taking a screenshot of the iPhone by pressing the two buttons at the same time, home and sleep off, to make the process we see a flash on the screen, indicating that took a picture of what we saw in screen. With No Screenshot Flash can disable this option in the system, now we can not use this feature useful for those who bother to have the option enabled.

Available free on Cydia.
  • Go to Cydia
  • Find No Screenshot Flash
  • Install and restart
  • Done!

Available BigBoss repository.

XSysInfo for iPhone!

There are many applications on the App Store to control the consumption of their devices, but XSysInfo is surely the best of its kind: after the "jump", you'll see why this claim.

In the main screen, XSysInfo will show you with absolute precision the occupied and available RAM on your iPad, but not all: in fact, you can also see how many MB your open applications in Multi Tasking deal, something that not all applications of the category "Manage System" do.

Still in its homepage, you can also view:
A section where you will learn how many hours of battery life you have to play a particular content;
A section, which shows:
  1. The technical specifications of each device;
  2. How many MB are used to go on the internet with the 3G connection and / or Wi-Fi;
  3. The page of "recognition" of the device, where the app is able to recognize that iDevice you have, what IOS, and your UDID;

In addition, in Settings, you can choose to activate the "clean" every time you start XSysInfo, this option will delete automatically all the active processes in the background.

Find this excellent application in the App Store at the following link for € 1.59, in the universal format for all devices

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Adidas miCoach Available in April on the Android Store

Adidas miCoach, the application for Android, is ready to land on Google's Market from next April, in the free version. And 'one of the most popular software for sports in the mobile version, so that it was awarded a mobile application of 2010 by Stuff magazine.

The announcement of availability was announced at Mobile World Congress 2011 in Barcelona just ended. You can download to install on your smartphone OS from Google.
Released prior to iPhone and Blackberry, Adidas miCoach allows all to enjoy a true digital coach that helps to maintain ordered all the facts of race, bike, etc ... with training programs and sync with the site

An athletic ideal Adidas miCoach which was structured around the recommendations of the renowned trainer Mark Verstegen of Athletes' Performance Institute (API) and some reality as the world champion Spain, Monaco, Bayern, Milan and other athletes.

Wooden Labyrinth 3D for Nokia N8 and Nokia C7

Wooden Labyrinth 3D  is a game for our Nokia N8, C7, C6-01 or E7, which we must guide the metal ball to the end of the maze by tilting the device, but we have to avoid obstacles such as holes and walls we avoid or even jump.

  • realistic 3D graphics with a change of perspective based on the tilt (optional)
  • Physical allowed jump
  • endless mode - an infinite amount of auto-generated levels
  • 180 custom mazes to challenge records and times
  • Original soundtrack
  • Options friction and sensitivity to change the experience
  • Calibration rapid two-finger touch
  • Banda sound that can be downloaded

 In action:  Admittedly Wooden Labyrinth 3D is awesome, but if you are a super fan of the game, you might conform to Marble Maze Classic, which is free.

Wooden Labyrinth 3D  is available for 3.06 euros in the Ovi Store.

Ovi Store | Wooden Labyrinth 3D -

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Gravity 1.50 Build 6698 with Push Notifications

Jan Ole close to perfection adding notifications Gravity Push to its application, the best client for Twitter, Facebook, Foursquare, etc, we can install on our Nokia N8, C7, C6-01, E7, and in our Nokia 5800, 5530 , 5230, X6, C6, N97 and N95. In addition, this new build also fixed some errors in the previous version.

We can configure notifications by configuring the notifications are displayed on the screen with a pop or right if the phone is in standby or blocked.

Gravity is available to all, in test mode, from here. These updates have not come to the paid version, available from the Ovi Store.

Socially 3.04 for Nokia N8 / C7 / C6 / X6 / 5800 / N97

Socially, the client for Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and Foursquare for our Nokia N8, C7, C6-01 or E7, and for our Nokia 5800, 5530, 5230, X6, C6, N95 and N97, is updated to version 3.04 with bug fixes and improvements on Twitter and Facebook.

  • Option to make classic mode Retweet Twitter
  • Ability to see if the tweet is answered by another person on Twitter
  • Can save a search on Twitter
  • Improved user interface for viewing photos and albums on Facebook
  • Option to disable social networking system
  • Social networks selected to publish an update are remembered
  • Improved overall performance
  • Fixed bugs with Foursquare and Twitter search

You can download this application directly to our visiting Nokia

iSocial for iPhone: Save Photos on Facebook and Twitter Directly from iPhone Photo Gallery!

Is coming to Cydia another great tweak for jailbroken iPhone made by Pierluigi D'Andrea: iSocial. This tweak will allow you to upload photos directly from the gallery to Facebook or Twitter, making the upload process simple and fast!

iSocial will be available on Cydia BigBoss repo at a price of $ 1.99.

MusicID for iPhone : Search Songs on iPhone

MusicID is an application similar to Shazam or SoundHound, and is recognizing songs you do not know who they are. The idea is this, imagine you're watching a movie and suddenly sounds like a song you love, because for all data of that song so we just have to bring the iPhone to the screen with the current application for 15 seconds. Then we will have all the data we need on this song.

Among its features:
  • Identifies music audible.
  • Displays biographies of performers and related YouTube videos.
  • iPod Integration (Add songs in your library or display any song that is playing currently on your iPod).
  • Songs Search by title, artist name or phrase in the lyrics!

The downside of this application is that it is to be paid € 0.79 in the App Store. and it has to compete with SoundHound which is free.

Monday, 21 February 2011

Page2D for iPhone: Allows You To Navigate Horizontally And Vertically Through The Dashboard

Page2D is another tweak available in Cydia, which adds a new way of navigating through the pages of the dashboard, and that is if we normally do from left to right, this amendment can do the same from top to bottom. Page2D also adds horizontal scrolling with the vertical simultaneously, allowing us to easily reach the most distant pages of our iPhone. Page2D Store is available in Cydia for the price of $ 1.99 under the BigBoss repository.

Customize Multitasking Toolbar with MySwitcher

MySwitcher is a new application that is installed on iOS4 settings to customize the system, now part of the bar-tasking, allowing changing some options in the applications that always appear in this bar. For example, withholding the name of applications or notifications of the same applications.

From now available for free on Cydia.
  • Go to Cydia
  • Search MySwitcher
  • Install and restart

Available for iOS4.2 onwards.

PlayAwake 1.2-4: Customize iPhone Alarm with Any Song!

PlayAwake 1.2-4 is the latest update of this application to modify the iOS4 and allows us to customize the system's alarm clock or the song you want, you can choose the songs on our iPod music library, a feature that everyone needs. Available from Cydia, now supports iOS4.2.Available free on Cydia repos.

Sunday, 20 February 2011

Facebook Trick for iPhone: FBPhotoSave

FBPhotoSave help us save some time while we keep a photo gallery to Facebook, many performed the trick of taking a snapshot of the photo and then from the implementation of Facebook's rose, easy and fast. The application consumes 1 MB of RAM to be used, and it works great. Available in Cydia today, compatible with iOS4 and Facebook need to have installed. Available free in some repos.

Switcher Rotator for iPhone in Cydia App Store

We will certainly have to turn the bar while multitasking on the iPhone device was in a horizontal position and you may have noticed that the bar still appears in a vertical position, making its use inconvenient. With Switcher Rotator the problem is resolved.

Once you install this tweak, in fact, when using any application in landscape mode, the toolbar will appear in horizontal multi-tasking and not vertically. Comfortable and functional.

Switcher Rotator is available on Cydia for the price of $ 0.99.

SwitcherPLus for iPhone, One Of My Essentials of Cydia

In Cydia are so many applications that you already lost and not know what it is worth to install in our devices. However, we must be careful because from time to time out an application that is worth it. SwitcherPlus is one of my applications "MUST HAVE" from Cydia that I have on my iPhone because I life a lot easier.

The operation of it is very simple: Block on the screen:
Double click the Home button = Multitasking from the lock screen.
Triple click the Home button = Turns the iPhone 4 Flash LED flashlight for use.

The iPhone's springboard:
Triple click the button = opens multitasking with all the icons shaking and with a single click you can leave the multitasking clean with a corresponding saving memory.

As I say one of my favorite applications, so simple and useful it is to use.

Saturday, 19 February 2011

iOS Tip: How to Create A Reminder on the iPhone Lockscreen

The Board (tip) that we announce today is as simple and useful if you want lockscreen on the list of things to do during the day.

To create a reminder of this type do not have to do is:
  • Open the Notes application
  • Include all the commitments of the day or at least future
  • Take a screenshot of the note by clicking for a while Sleep + Home buttons simultaneously
  • Open Graphics / photographic film, select the image you just captured and click an icon in the lower left corner to select "Set as Wallpaper" / "Set screen lock"

This gives you the image of the note on your lockscreen.